Touched by a Feather – Day 23

I so remember one fine fall day, when a very special feather fell into my life.

It had been a tough day, a day of real struggles.

Just as I was heading out the door to get some time with the birds, I spied it.

Nestled into this planter on my deck, a glorious Red-tailed Hawk feather!

And it’s been there ever since; a bit faded and weathered now since the day it came.

Yet it always seems that I notice it again, just when I really need it.

Like yesterday.

And just like the day I first discovered it, I found myself whispering…

Thank you, Red-tailed Hawk, for this feather, your feather.

All is well, all is well, all is truly well.

One thought on “Touched by a Feather – Day 23

  1. Jean says:

    I love finding feathers


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