Dancing Shoes at Mill Landing

I admit it. I can’t take the humid heat and today’s been a scorcher!

So instead of being miserable out there on my customary walk, I decided instead to share one of my favorite moments of the summer so far.

I found them there, together, along the shore down at Mill Landing…

Blog-SnowyEgret-MillLanding2A stunning pair of snowy egrets, fishing for their dinner.

Snowies are one of my favorite shore birds with black bills, long black “stocking” legs and yellow feet.


It was fun to watch them move along the shore together… and those yellow feet almost made me laugh! Like dancing shoes, out of some vaudeville act; an almost comical contrast to their elegant, white feathered bodies.


Sometimes, one of the egrets would go their separate way, ever in search of something tasty…


But not for long and they were back together again, moving as one, along the sandy shore.

(I smiled to myself because I kept hearing Fred Astaire’s “Steppin’ Out with my Baby” refrain in my head!)


When they came upon the muddier banks of the channel, their white bodies seemed almost like silhouettes-in-reverse against their chocolate brown backdrop.


They were so quick as they continued to fish. I’d be zooming in and oh MY! Someone had made another catch!



Then I noticed that one of the pair was deciding to take the high road…


Up onto the muddy bank he went. And those yellow dancing shoes, steppin’ forward and grabbing hold of the mud like it was made of sponge.


Plunk, plunk, PLUNK, along he went with such great purpose.



And then, as if some bell had rung,  it was time for them to go, up, up, and away!



I was sad to see them go but what an amazing gift!

I shall never forget this glorious pair.

Beauty, focus, connection, all in one glorious package of white feathered magic  — and bright yellow dancing shoes that would have made Fred Astaire jealous!  🙂

Thank you for visiting me here at Images of Cape Cod.

‘Til the next time!
