In the Company of a Friendly Blue Jay

I was at Forest Beach the other evening, when the prettiest Blue Jay appeared in the shadows of the marsh.

He seemed very aware of my presence, eyeing me more than most.

He flew up to the No Parking sign, as if to get a better look at this tall figure with the green light.

Then he flew back to the marsh, a bit further into the sunlight where I could see just how pretty he was, oh my!

And then off again, striking such a lovely profile pose.

Turning one more time, he gave me one last, long look out of the corner of his eye…

And then – he was gone in a flash of blue!

I sure hope I see this beauty again, what wonderful company he made!   😉

2 thoughts on “In the Company of a Friendly Blue Jay

  1. jennifer says:

    I didn’t realize before that blue jay feathers look very much like stained glass. Beautiful!!


    • Isn’t it AMAZING??? They’re usually so quick to fly off that I rarely get a good picture of them. THIS one, seemed to be enjoying the company as much as me! 😉


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