Sunday Best and a Few Adieus

Hi everybody, it’s time once again for Sunday Best!

We had a lot of worthy candidates this week as some of our favorite summertime guests on the Cape were getting ready to leave us for the winter.

Contestant #1, the Willett, , savoring one final dip among the shells. We’ll miss this wonderful shorebird with such a distinctive call that can be heard all across the marsh!


Contestant #2, a duo of Great Egrets, seen from awaaay across Mill Landing as the sun was setting. These statuesque shorebirds were also making preparations for their departures this week, taking the time to pop into their favorite diner for one last nibble.


Contestant #3,  one of our charming year-rounders, the gray squirrel. And you know? No matter how many times I pass by this very tree, this charming fellow always seems to be there, nuts in hand!  😉  Blog-ForestBeachLoop637

Contestant #4,  I never can resist birds on a wire, and the swallows are some of my very favorite small birds. I call them our “dolphins of the sky”, and we’ve seen them flying in large swarms over the beaches, heading for home!


And finally, Contestant #5, another one of our year-rounders, the colorful flicker whose distinctive call makes you feel like you’re in some tropical paradise!


And there you have it. Please cast your vote for your favorite, and as always – please share your comments too!  🙂

‘Til next time, thanks for visiting me here at Images of Cape Cod!


8 thoughts on “Sunday Best and a Few Adieus

  1. Midwestern Plant Girl says:

    I’m go with Mr. Willett. Although it’s hard to pass Mr. Squirrel. 😃


  2. Kathy Breakall says:

    First photo is my favorite


  3. Jennifer says:

    My vote goes for the grey squirrel. used to know one named Bruiser


  4. Barbara says:

    Like them all, but I will cast my vote for the squirrel!


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